Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Something To Cheer You Up

I got the so - called English song around 2 years ago and the Marriot's advertisement around 6 years ago. One of my friend e - mailed to me at that time.

Just now after chatting with my "Fermented Beancurd" who felt down, I thought of this MV and thus went and search it from YouTube. Luckily I found it under the search name of "Funny English Song" and "Funny Marriot Advert".

I would like to dedicate this post to her to cheer her up a bit.

Adam Smith would say it is an economic cycle. Maureen Staiano would say that "Life is full of ups and downs." Forrest Grump would say that "Life is like a box of chocolate. You would never know what's inside." Monkey would say "Don't think too much. Eat your banana now before it has rotten."

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Download YouTube and Tudou files into iTune

I always like to download movies, series and especially music videos into my iTune so that I can see and listen to it as often as I want.

For YouTube, it is a software from DVDVideosoft . After you had installed it, just copy the YouTube url file into the the "Input video file" and Convert.

For, it requires more than 1 step.
1) You have to click on the video that you requires;
2) On the url above, enter the word "kiss" in front of the word "tudou" like as follows:
3) On the link with the extension *.flv, right click it and "save as" into your HD.
4) After it had been downloaded, use the above DVDVideosoft and convert it into the *.m4a file because the "kiss" website would download the file into an *.flv file only.
5) In the DVDVideosoft program, rather than copy the url, click "Browse" button and find the *.flv file to be converted.

The best thing of all is that DVDVideosoft is FREE. I had been using it for more than 3 months now. My iTune is full of MVs. But just lately introduced into Tudou by Ah Leng. Thank you..... again Ah Leng.

Happy downloading, my friends.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Souvenirs D'Enfance by Richard Clayderman

This is dedicated to those classical music lovers or Richard Clayderman fan (like me).

Friday, November 16, 2007

大悲咒 by 黄思婷

Discovered it when I was looking for 大悲咒's MV for my iPod.

Very refreshing and nice version.

老鼠愛大米 by 王啓文

This is the second most romantic and saddest MV I had never seen, after the Korean "I'm Just A Girl" by Kiss, posted up by SotongBin.

Gave me chocking feeling in my throat after seeing it.

Myanmar New Year

Are we humans 'hard wired' to have festivals? Does celebrating them appeal to deep needs in our nature? Whether or not we can answer these questions with a clear scientific 'yes', it is clear that observing festivals is nearly universal in the human story.

Being imaginative, people everywhere put energy into repeating festivals or inventing new ones. These maybe secular, which means they take note of things that everyone can check out easily in experience : weddings, births and anniversaries.

More often, however, festivals are sacred. Most religions relate to groups, so religious festivals lead to engagement through rites and practices that bring them together and, they feel, ennoble otherwise ordinary life.

Anyone who has ever looked forward to big events such as weddings or has looked back fondly to others, such as having won a prize, will know how valuable people find it to deal with the really Big Events that they believe had gone on 'behind the scenes', beyond the senses.

It is by no accident that the English word 'holiday' derives from 'holy day'. Down the ages, across all the great faiths of the world, people have celebrated the major days of their faiths as times for fun, feasting, travel and reunion. As far back as I can think of, people have recognised the need to relieve the monotony of the ordinary working life with special days - days when the normal pattern of work is broken and everyone is permitted, even required, to stop work and enjoy themselves instead.

I have no idea what prehistoric people might have celebrated, but they do have festivals. Festivals are the concrete expression of the religious life form which they spring, and the most fascinating windows into a faith. As well as being times of relaxation, times set aside from the ordinary working year, festivals are living reminders to the faithful of what their religion teaches, and an assertion to the rest of humanity about the value of those teachings.

In all the major faiths, the yearly cycle of festivals not only recounts a story, but reflects on the meaning of that story in relation to the pattern of the universe, the nature of God and the hopes, fears, frailties and potential of human beings. Through drama, ritual, liturgy or dance, festivals repeat key stories of the faith; activities that encapsulate core concepts in a way that can be grasped and witnessed by outsiders.

For much of the year, religions are practised in quieter, often enclosed ways. But at festival time, it is as if the faith is putting on a show, offering everyone the chance to see and hear what is of greatest importance and held most dear to its adherents. These are celebrated with street processions through street after street when everyone and anyone is invited to come and join in the fun.

Such festival in Myanmar is the yearly awaited Thingyan Festival or Myanmar Water Festival in the month of April.

My first blog

This is the first time, I had created my own blog....... well, I do have Multiply but I would not consider that as a blog.
I would like to give my thanks to Ah Leng (Dragon from PGHK) for attracting me to create a blog of my own. Kam sia lu, Ah Leng.
I will try my best to update as much and as quickly as possible on this blog of mine.
Dear fellow friends, you are most welcome to leave your mark. All comments are welcome.